Home Inspection
Standard Home Inspection
0-2000 sqft $350.00
2000-2500 sqft $400.00
2500-3000 sqft $450.00
3000-4000 sqft $550.00
Have you had work done on a system, that you need checked by a professional? Let us help with comprehensive review of the job and verification of functionality
Commercial Inspections pricing varies according to size, type, and complexity of the property. Inspections can be done in accordance with a number of insurance or transition formats.
Seasonal maintenance is extremely important for keeping a home in top condition, and the best time to have an annual inspection is before the weather turns cold.
11 Month
Comprehensive evaluation of your new home, conducted during your 11 month occupancy, before your builders warranty expires. A detailed report of exterior, interior, and its major components and systems.
All inspections include thermal review and observations by certified inspector. Examples: attic access, shower pan, ventilation, HVAC, and electrical breaker cabinets